android adb cheat-sheet Authors: fire1ce (93.71%), TalonWay (5.71%), bikalpa (0.57%) | Created: 2021-09-12 | Last update: 2023-10-15
Android ADB Cheat Sheet ADB, Android Debug Bridge, is a command-line utility included with Google's Android SDK. ADB can control your device over USB from a computer, copy files back and forth, install and uninstall apps, run shell commands, and more. ADB is a powerful tool that can be used to control your Android device from a computer. Below are some of the most common commands you can use with ADB and their usage. You can find more information about ADB and its usage by visiting the official website .
Common ADB Commands Push a file to Download folder of the Android Device adb push example.apk /mnt/sdcard/Download/
Lists all the installed packages and get the full paths adb shell pm list packages -f
Pulls a file from android device adb pull /mnt/sdcard/Download/example.apk
Install apk from host to Android device adb shell install example.apk
Install apk from Android device storage adb shell install /mnt/sdcard/Download/example.apk
Set network proxy adb shell settings put global http_proxy <address>:<port>
Disable network proxy
adb shell settings put global http_proxy :0
ADB Basics Commands Command Description adb devices Lists connected devices adb connect Connects to adb device over network adb root Restarts adbd with root permissions adb start-server Starts the adb server adb kill-server Kills the adb server adb reboot Reboots the device adb devices -l List of devices by product/model adb -s <deviceName> <command>
Redirect command to specific device adb –d <command>
Directs command to only attached USB device adb –e <command>
Directs command to only attached emulator
Logs Command Description adb logcat [options] [filter] [filter]
View device log adb bugreport Print bug reports
Permissions Command Description adb shell permissions groups List permission groups definitions adb shell list permissions -g -r List permissions details
Package Installation Command Description adb shell install <apk>
Install app adb shell install <path>
Install app from phone path adb shell install -r <path>
Install app from phone path adb shell uninstall <name>
Remove the app
Paths Command Description /data/data/<package name>
/databases App databases /data/data/<package name>
/shared_prefs/ Shared preferences /mnt/sdcard/Download/ Download folder /data/app Apk installed by user /system/app Pre-installed APK files /mmt/asec Encrypted apps (App2SD) /mmt/emmc Internal SD Card /mmt/adcard External/Internal SD Card /mmt/adcard/external_sd External SD Card ------- ----------- adb shell ls List directory contents adb shell ls -s Print size of each file adb shell ls -R List subdirectories recursively adb shell pm path <package name>
Get full path of a package adb shell pm list packages -f Lists all the packages and full paths
File Operations Command Description adb push <local> <remote>
Copy file/dir to device adb pull <remote> <local>
Copy file/dir from device run-as <package>
cat <file>
Access the private package files
Phone Info Command Description adb get-statе Print device state adb get-serialno Get the serial number adb shell dumpsys iphonesybinfo Get the IMEI adb shell netstat List TCP connectivity adb shell pwd Print current working directory adb shell dumpsys battery Battery status adb shell pm list features List phone features adb shell service list List all services adb shell dumpsys activity <package>/<activity>
Activity info adb shell ps Print process status adb shell wm size Displays the current screen resolution
Package Info Command Description adb shell list packages Lists package names adb shell list packages -r Lists package name + path to apks adb shell list packages -3 Lists third party package names adb shell list packages -s Lists only system packages adb shell list packages -u Lists package names + uninstalled adb shell dumpsys package packages Lists info on all apps adb shell dump <name>
Lists info on one package adb shell path <package>
Path to the apk file
Command Description adb reboot recovery Reboot device into recovery mode adb reboot fastboot Reboot device into recovery mode adb shell screencap -p "/path/to/screenshot.png" Capture screenshot adb shell screenrecord "/path/to/record.mp4" Record device screen adb backup -apk -all -f backup.ab Backup settings and apps adb backup -apk -shared -all -f backup.ab Backup settings, apps and shared storage adb backup -apk -nosystem -all -f backup.ab Backup only non-system apps adb restore backup.ab Restore a previous backup ------- ----------- adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d URL Opens URL adb shell am start -t image/* -a android.intent.action.VIEW Opens gallery