UDM WAN Failover Telegram Notifications¶
This script will send a message to a Telegram chat when WAN connection is changed to failover and back to normal.
Github Repository: UDM Failover Telegram Notifications
- 2023-02-22 - Added support for multiple UDM versions 1.x, 2.x and 3.x
Persistence on Reboot¶
This script need to run every time the system is rebooted since the UDM overwrites crons every boot. This can be accomplished with a boot script. Flow this guide: UDM / UDMPro Boot Script
- Tested on UDM PRO
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fire1ce/UDM-Failover-Telegram-Notifications/main/install.sh | sh
Set your Telegram Chat ID and Bot API Key at
$DATA_DIR for 1.x = /mnt/data $DATA_DIR for 2.x and 3.x = /data
Parameters | Description |
telegram_bot_API_Token | Telegram Bot API Token |
telegram_chat_id | Chat ID of the Telegram Bot |
echo_server_ip | IP of a server to test what interface is active (Default |
run_interval | Interval to run a failover check (Default 60 seconds) |
Delete the UDMP-Failover-Telegram-Notifications folder
rm -rf $DATA_DIR/UDMP-Failover-Telegram-Notifications
Delete on boot script file
rm -rf $DATA_DIR/on_boot.d/99-failover-telegram-notifications.sh
At boot the script with create a cronjob that will run once. This is done to prevent boot blocking.
Manual run to test notifications:
It's strongly recommended to perform a reboot in order to check the on boot initialization of the notifications