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Authors: fire1ce | Created: 2022-06-25 | Last update: 2022-06-25

Persistent On Boot Script

When UDM or UDM PRO reboots or the firmawre is updated the custom changes you made will be lost. This Script will allow you to initialize your custom changes on every boot or firmware update. without losing your custom changes.

Github Repository: unifios-utilities - on-boot-script


  1. Allows you to run a shell script at S95 anytime your UDM starts / reboots
  2. Persists through reboot and firmware updates! It is able to do this because Ubiquiti caches all debian package installs on the UDM in /data, then re-installs them on reset of unifi-os container.


You can execute in UDM/Pro/SE and UDR with:

curl -fsL "" | /bin/bash

This is a force to install script so will uninstall any previous version and install on_boot keeping your on boot files.

This will also install CNI Plugins & CNI Bridge scripts. If you are using UDMSE/UDR remember that you must install podman manually because there is no podman.

For manual installation see: The Github Readme
